• Welcome to Mr. Roth's Web Page!

    Teacher Name: Warren Roth

    Classes Taught: 8th Grade English Language Arts

    Email:   wroth@camdentonschools.org

     Picture Coming Soon

    Class Schedule:

    Lakertime/ACI: Art

    2nd Hour: 8th Grade English Language Arts

    3rd Hour: 8th Grade English Language Arts

    4th Hour: 8th Grade English Language Arts


    5th Hour: 8th Grade English Language Arts

    6th Hour: Teaming

    7th Hour: Department

    8th Hour: 8th Grade English Language Arts

    Meet Mr. Roth:

    I graduated with my degree in Middle School Education with emphasis in English from Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri. Though I have always longed to teach, I only realized my dream to pursue my calling later in life. I have only been teaching since the 2014-2015 school year.

    In our class we will question, investigate, learn together, respect each other, work hard, be nice, and laugh often. We will succeed because we will push each other forward. I plan to learn as much from the students as I teach them. They will head to high school and beyond closer to autonomy and with a better understanding of the world around them and the confidence to explore it.