





    September 2013, Vol. 6 #1



    Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students of Dogwood Elementary,


    We are so excited to begin a new musical school year!  Here’s what’s going on in Mrs. Green’s music classes:


    Kindergarten:  We’ve been playing lots and lots of games to learn the musical repertoire and get ready to learn these musical elements:  Tuneful singing, steady beat, fast/slow, voice recognition and audiation.  Audiation is singing a song in your head.  Your kindergarteners know “I Climbed Up the Apple Tree,” and “Queen Queen Caroline” and other songs or chants.


    1st:   After reviewing the songs and games they learned in Kindergarten, the 1st graders will review feeling the steady beat, fast/slow, loud/soft, and learn what the “heartbeat” is in music.  We’ve been singing “Bounce High Bounce Low,” “Snail, Snail,” and “Cobbler Cobbler.”


    2nd:  We’re moving quickly, remembering last year’s songs and elements such as heartbeat, rhythm, ta, ti-ti- and rest, and writing the notation for these rhythms using stick notation and on the staff.


    DOGWOOD HONOR CHOIR NOTE:  Honor choir auditions for the

     2013-14 Dogwood Musical Jewels 2nd Grade Honor Choir  will begin Tuesday, September 3rd, and will end Wednesday, September 11th .   Please turn in the purple try-out permission form for the honor choir ASAP.  If you did not receive an honor choir try-out form, extras are on a desk by Mrs. Green’s music room door. 


    Listening for August/Sept:  Four Seasons Violin Concertos:  Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring


    Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music”—Sergei Rachmaninoff, composer

    Mrs. Green, Music Educator, Dogwood Elementary