• Giving Medicine at Dogwood Elementary:

    To better serve Dogwood students, please note the following medication guidelines:

    All medications with administration records are kept secure in the clinic/health room, where they can be given privately, away from other students.  Occasionally a student has parental permission (okayed by the doctor) to carry inhalers prescribed for asthma or Epi-Pens for allergic reactions.  Because of the young ages of our students, please let us know if your child uses these medications if he/she knows how to be responsible for them.

                All medication to be given at school, whether prescription or over the counter, must be in its original labeled container.  Expired meds will not be given.  Most over the counter medications including Tylenol or ibuprofen will be given a maximum of once daily and twice per week.  If the child requests medication more frequently, he/she should be referred to their pediatrician or family doctor.

                Only the prescribed or recommended dose of medicine will be given.   A written note of permission should accompany the medication stating the student’s name, dosage, time to be given, and how long it is to be given.  The note should be signed and dated by the parent/guardian.

    NO MEDICATIONS MAY BE TRANSPORTED BY STUDENTS.  This includes controlled substances such as codeine-containing cough suppressants, CNS stimulants such as Methylphenidate, Concerta, Methylin, or amphetamine salts prescribed for ADD/ADHD as well as antibiotics, and any over the counter medications. 

    Any medication that is discontinued may be picked up by parents during school hours prior to the end of the school year.  If not picked up, it will be discarded.

    No over the medication will be given without a health card, including parent signature, on file.